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Explore New Avenues of Wealth Creation

Harness the power of adding alternative investments to your portfolio 

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The unstoppable rise of alternative investments...

Alternative asset classes will more than double in size, reaching $21.1 trillion by 2025, accounting for 15% of global AuM.
Source: PwC

We help you build a modern, well-rounded portfolio...

While the conventional 60/40 approach may have worked just fine in the past, it's no longer enough in today's rapidly evolving world—especially if you want to maximize your potential returns.

That's where alternative investments come into play.

We strive to select only the best alternative investment opportunities after conducting exhaustive analysis and due diligence. Our goal is to augment "traditional" investments with new, innovative avenues for wealth creation, providing you with a well-rounded investment strategy.


Who diversifies their portfolio with alternative investments? 

81% of Ultra-High Net Worth individuals diversify with alternative assets.

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Ways You Can Invest....

Are you an accredited investor-1

Venture Capital fund investing made accessible...

The venture capital market allows you to gain access to the high-growth potential offered by startups that have already experienced some maturation and scale. If you are seeking to add private market exposure to your portfolio, you may find secondary VC assets an attractive option.

Our venture capital funds invest across a broad range of emerging industries


☑️Financial Technology ("FinTech)

☑️Artificial Intelligence ("A.I")

☑️Military Technology

☑️Food Technology ("FoodTech")

☑️Life sciences, gaming and many other emerging and disruptive technologies

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How much should you allocate to private market investments?

Investment managers recommend supplementing your portfolio of stocks and bonds with up to 20% private market alternatives. Alternative investments can enhance the traditional 60/40 portfolio.

Private Equity

A private equity fund invests in companies not listed on a public stock exchange. Private equity is opening up to more individual investors and the untapped potential is becoming a reality. 

Private Equity Investments Typically Seek to Deliver...

✔️Larger Investment Universe. A wide and diverse pool of private market companies that can offer potential diversification benefits.

✔️Total Return. Private equity has historically outperformed public markets across time horizons

✔️Outperformance in volatile markets. Private equity has historically experienced strong relative performance when public equities falter. 


Private Real Estate

Private market real estate has featured a combination of traits not found in other asset classes: long-term earning potential and effective diversification beyond the stock market.

✔️Wealth preservation and growth. Private real estate can anchor your portfolio, smoothing out the wild ups and downs of the public markets.

✔️Income generation. The ability to potentially create consistent income is one of the most attractive aspects of real estate.

✔️Diversification. Private market investments may help reduce risk and improve your long-term financial stability.

TSG provides you with access to alternative investments for your portfolio...

Connect with us...

We pride ourselves on relationships. 

Whether you have a simple question or would like a quick introductory discussion, speaking with one of our team members is the best way to understand how we can add value to your financial journey and help you achieve your goals.

Just getting started...

Complete our contact form

If you have simple questions or inquiries and are considering us for the future, please fill out our contact form to get in touch with us.

Actively Seeking...

Private Introductory Discussion

If you are interested in one of our investment products, we encourage you to schedule an introductory consultation with our team.

Invest With Clarity & Confidence

From past performance metrics to background on our partners, we aim to provide all the information needed to make an informed decision.

☑️Highly-vetted: All investments pass a rigorous due diligence process.

☑️Dedicated support: Our investor relations team is available to answer your questions at any time.


Most commonly asked questions...

How can I invest in alternative assets?

Access to our alternative investment opportunities is provided via either our affiliated broker-dealer or registered investment advisor, depending on the type and structure of the product.

We suggest completing our consultation form to be directed to the appropriate entity based on the criteria provided by you.

In the event that a specific offering requires accreditation, we reserve the right to make efforts to verify your accreditation prior to or during an initial conversation and reserve the right not to move forward with doing business in the event we deem you are not accredited.

What due diligence materials can TSG provide for investment funds?

We typically provide information for affiliated funds to investors via a secure data room.

This data room includes the PPM, concise fund fact sheet, FAQs, and Investor Memorandum relevant to the assets held within any pooled investment vehicle.

What is the difference between Pre-IPO, Venture Capital, Angel Investing, and Private Equity?

Pre-IPO, Angel Investing, and Venture Capital are subsets of Private Equity, reflecting a private company at a specific business stage.

In essence, there are public equities (stocks) and private equity (private).

Industry insiders view private equity as investing in large, established private companies, while venture capital involves investing in startups that are expanding their businesses.

Angel investing is the field of investing in a startup at the "idea" phase.

Pre-IPO investing refers to investing in venture capital-backed companies that are in the later stages of their business lifecycle.

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Drew Spaventa, CEO & Founder
The Spaventa Group

Investing, the way it should be​

Our commitment and dedication to our LPs, clients, colleagues, and partners is unmatched in the industry. We look forward to the opportunity of establishing a long-term, successful relationship with you.

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*These opportunities are offered through affiliated broker-dealer